Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Ron Paul blaming America for 9/11

"Ron Paul blames America for 9/11."
I truly believe the NeoCons are going to try and use this over and over to get people to not vote for Paul, as he becomes a bigger and bigger threat to their plan of Rudy or other socialist who are more or less are Anti-Constitutional Republic, or Anti-Liberty for short, getting into the White House.
Beware they will also use fear mongering about the war on terror, claiming the whole war on Al qaida( maybe a few hundred left )is a holy jihadist war and they're out to destroy America.
Pure pre emptive fear and hysteria on the NeoCons part.

Ron isn't blaming America he's just stating we need to revamp our foreign policy to non-interventionist from interventionist that has left our grandchildren with debt and isn't making us or certain parts of the world safer. In fact in a lot of ways our foreign policies make bad business sense are hurting us and we can do better.
Just a heads up on some of the dealings in politics, as they try to sway fence sitters to there side with senseless rhetoric.

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"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." -- Thomas Jefferson