Thursday, October 11, 2007

Time to clean out Congress in 08

In 2006, US voters went to the polls and told their government they wanted change in Iraq and for alot of us we wanted change in government spending and size.

Well America did change Congress but not for the better. In fact we pretty much got the same frivolous spending and no one with a clear vision to get us out of the quagmire now know as Iraq War. To be exact a UN Resolution police action, that the US is now shouldering much of the burden of, as the coalition of the fading is just that, fading.

I've heard that all Republicans should be thrown out of office, as if putting a Democrat in the White House is going to make things different with a Democrat controlled congress.
Think again. Hillary Clinton has voted for the police action in Iraq, as well as most of the frontrunner Democrats for President have, by relinquishing their constitutional duties of declaring war or military action to solely the President himself. No wonder thiese sleaze ball Democrats always say it's the President's War.

Hillary said she would have never voted for if she knew what she knows now, but yet she continues to support being there. In fact Hillary is among many Senators who have said, America should pre strike Iran if we feel they are a threat and without Constitutional declaration of war again.

Can we say as bombs reign down unfiltered into Iran, Iraq the sequel.

Can our country survive another 4 yrs, of reckless spending and lack of vision from both main parties in the US before something crumbles or has to give? Heaven forbid, before another 9/11.

We can not continue to police the world for a failing UN.
We need to get our priorities straight again in America, at home. This is not something that can wait another four years from now when were deeper in debt, and deeper in the quagmires of yet another police action, from more faulty intelligence.

Both Democrats and Republicans shoulder the blame for bad foreign policy, bad intelligence, lack of vision, and getting us entangled in foreign alliances that are making us less safe.

If we vote out Repubs and put in Demos were just asking for more of the same trouble, as we've have gotten since 2006.
Have they not proven over and over that neither are trustworthy?

We have to clean out Congress in 2008 and put in fresh new people that respect our rules of law in America, that understand the oath of office to uphold those rule of law.

If you can't find someone running in your state, vote for the more pro-liberty and constitution candidate, but to put in the same war mongering Demos and Repubs who keep voting for bad foreign policy is not going to even head us in the right direction out of Iraq, and into foreign policies that are constitutional, peaceful, and prosperous.

Expecting a different result doing the same thing over is not going to change one thing. Insanity, I believe it's called.
Our leaders right now maybe insane but "We the people" are not.
We can make a real difference and prosper from change in 2008.
Work for change in your state to get Pro Liberty and Constitution candidates into your states congress in 2010 as well as in 2012 to get our country moving in the direction our forefathers can be proud of.

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"In questions of power, then, let no more be heard of confidence in man, but bind him down from mischief by the chains of the Constitution." -- Thomas Jefferson